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Once Upon a Mattress

book by Jay Thompson, Marshall Barer, Dean Fuller
music by Mary Rodgers
lyrics by Marshall Barer

Presented November 14, 1987

The Cast
Winnifred-the-Woebegone ..... Melani Dawson
Prince Dauntless-the-Drab ..... Paul Sparks
Sir Harry ..... Bryan Williams
Lady Larken ..... Gayle Ousley
The King ..... Bennie Williams
Queen Agravain ..... Amy Gibbs
Minstrel ..... Jeff Halford
Jester ..... Kelly Mantle
Wizard ..... Jamey Brackett
Princess #12 ..... Stacy Rice
Lady Mabelle ..... Tami Holt
Lady Rowene ..... Rhonda Tillman
Lady Merrill ..... Amy Ellis
Lady Lucille ..... Julie Gibbs
Lady H ..... Paula Morrison
Nightingale of Samarkand ..... Tami Holt
Ladies-in-Waiting ..... Sharla Price, Shannon McKinley, Georgia Burnett
Knights ..... David Chadd, Jeff Davis, David Jones, Sam Rice, Sean Fields

Jim Taylor, Kari Pyron

Stage Manager
Jana Borcherding

Paula McConnell

Scenic and Lighting Design
Gary McConnell

Backdrop Design
Mitch Duncan

Set Construction
Jeff Halford, Jana Borcherding, Tami Holt, Bennie Williams,
Kelly Mantle, Sam Rice, Stacy Rice, Paul Sparks, Amy Ellis,
Susan Ellsworth, Gina Guidry, Kim Keith

Liesela Austin

Susan Ellsworth

Mary Medell, Lola Daniels

Stacy Rice, Bennie Williams, Kim Keith, Gina Guidry

Brandy Hinkel, Liesela Austin

Stacy Rice, Jeana Payne, Brenda Jacob, Sharla Price, Kim Easley

Directed by
Paula McConnell
Gary McConnell

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Melani Dawson, Paul Sparks and Bennie Williams

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In front:  Jeff Halford, Rhonda Tillman, Sean Fields, Amy Ellis, Sam Rice, Shannon McKinley
On the bed: Paul Sparks, Melani Dawson