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See How They Run

a farce by Philip King

Presented November 4, 1995

The Cast
Ida ..... Danita Duncan
Miss Skillon ..... Liz Harvill
The Reverend Lionel Toop ..... Kyle Brooks
Penelope Toop ..... Jenny Wheat
Corporal Clive Winton ..... Justin Dean
The Intruder ..... Jared Warthen
The Bishop of Lax ..... Jeromy Smith
The Reverend Arthur Humphrey ..... Seth Lockwood
Sergeant Towers ..... Cory Davis

Production Crew
Heather Brown, LaRissa Conn, Stephen Glover,
Jessica Sullivan, Brian Taylor, Sandra Wilmoth

Producer & Technical Director
Paula McConnell

Directed by
Gary McConnell

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Front:  Justin Dean, Jared Warthen, Jenny Wheat, Jeromy Smith
Back:  Seth Lockwood, Liz Harvill, Kyle Brooks, Cory Davis, Danita Duncan